Tuesday, August 6, 2013

French Soldiers

Top of Arc de Triomphe

When visiting the Arc de Triomphe in Paris we got incredibly lucky, bumping into few present-day French soldiers. My sister and I snagged a photo-op when they were taking a picture with a little girl. One of them made a joke, saying: 'Don't go home and post this on Facebook.' Facebook, no. My blog and twitter? Yes.

 Arc de Triomphe 

The Arc, completed in the 1830's, is a monument celebrating and honoring those who fought and died during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Inscribed on the inside walls are the names of over 500 generals who died at war.

1 comment:

  1. That is a pretty cool photo with the soldiers. Interesting history on the Arc too, didn't know abut the generals.
