Not only is Kayak easy to navigate with search options for flights, cars, hotels and vacations, but Kayak also pulls up the best deals from Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz and CheapOair. It really is a one-stop search.

Plan, book and search special offers for train trips across fifty different countries in Europe. I highly recommend taking the train in Europe, it may take longer than a flight when country hopping, but the scenery is priceless, making it a part of the trip itself!
Trains, hotels and car hire all available to book. Prices are listed in dollars, saving some  precious mental energy, phew!

La Metro. Here you can search by country to buy bus and subway passes based on your needs: for a day, a week, or whatever the length of your stay. Just a warning: the subway is intense but exciting. Make sure you know where you’re going when you head down to the cars because the crowds move with a mission and you may get caught up in it!
Find free, downloadable maps of metro routes by country. They also have full maps by continent and country, save yourself some money and print at home!

PARK BENCHES (AKA hotels, hostels, etc.):
Find hotels with prices and ratings and base your search around your priorities (i.e. best value, family, luxury, etc.). You can search the availability of the dates you wish to stay and compare prices of other booking sites such as Booking.com, EasytoBook and Olotels. Restaurant reviews and ‘Things to Do’ are also available.
Search by property type: hostel, B&B, hotel, apartment or campsite to find budget accommodation. The site lists prices, reviews and free things to do! Hostels are a great way to travel on the cheap and meet new people for backpackers, solo travelers and youths.
Find hostels (or whatever property you’d like) with no booking fee. Prices, ratings and guides all available.
Easily rent houses or apartments for brief or extended stays in nearly 200 countries. You can narrow down your search to specific neighborhoods or price ranges and then view property profiles including amenities, pictures, hosts' details and extensive reviews. 
Create a profile or through Facebook find locals of your destination who will house you for free. While this is a great way to meet people, travel frugally and experience a culture, you never know what you’re getting into when staying with strangers, be sure to read the site’s ‘Safety’ page.

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